La elección de comisarios se hará con la mayor transparencia: Mauricio Vila
Osvaldo Chávez521 palabras
A suggestion to the Internet Consortia: Google, Microsoft, Mozzilla, Apple, etc.
We have come to the point where any honest Internet Web Application should be protected from meddlers and eavesdroppers.
We strongly suggest to the consortia in charge of taking care of the security of WEB Applications, to allow programmers to opt for total and absolute protection of inspecting elements of today’s WEB Applications.
There is absolutely no reasonable criteria for which it will not be possible to Interrogate the User upon opening a protected WEB page:
Warning! The authors of this WEB page have prohibited browsers from allowing inspection of the way the contents shown and manipulated were programmed. If you do trust the authors and company backing the WEB Software used in this site, then proceed at your own risk and responsibility. Sites like this one are dangerous and you should not trust them unless you have been confronted with a contract that you have specifically accepted.
That would be a very specific warning.
Along with the warning, the authors of the site, of course, will show, previously non-protected code pages, and in one of those pages the interested visitors would accept (or reject) the pages and site.
That is a very simple way of doing things.
If a company has invested hundreds of thousands of units of money in developing a clever administrative application, especially a useful one, why not allow them to protect such application against dishonest eavesdroppers? These are usually looking for quick ways to solve problems that others spent weeks or months trying to set up in functional and operationally safe ways.
If a developer needs information about how to solve programmatic problems, the Internet is an open space to find answers! Some places even charge some money in order to free the answer. Other places are ridiculously careful about who can and who can not provide answers or ask questions.
For example, the contents of this article should be part of a section of Suggestions in some of those sites. However, in most of those sites it is forbidden even to mention something that does not go along with that the consortia have arbitrarily approved as acceptable and rejected as unacceptable.
The world should be made a fair play place, not a tricky jungle only favorable to the predators.
What we are suggesting here is also and primarily on behalf of the security needed for hackers not to meddle with WEB App users and their corporations —small or large.