Notas antiguas
2015-09-22 03:32:00 Frida Sofía quiere casarse en casa de su abuela, Silvia Pinal Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 20:56:49 Sangrienta décima corrida en la "Plaza México": 7 heridos van a la enfermería Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 20:49:00 La Carrera Deportiva FICMY Mérida y Yucatán Film Festival fue un rotundo éxito. Osvaldo Chávez

2014-12-29 20:45:23 Un pueblo unido puede alcanzar la meta que se proponga: RZB Kamila López

2014-12-29 20:42:27 Apoya Gobierno del Estado a jóvenes con problemas de adicciones Elena Martin

2014-12-29 20:39:34 Detienen a individuo por robo Ariel Martín

2014-12-29 20:26:10 Se casó Pablo Lyle en su natal Mazatlán Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 18:29:32 En Durango: Balacera en concierto de Javier Rosas, cantante sinaloense de "narco-corridos" Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 18:08:48 "Por eso mataron al Padre Goyito": Por denunciar el "narco-gobierno", dice "Padre Goyo" Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 18:02:08 Fiscal de Guerrero personalmente supervisa caso de asesinato del "Padre Goyito" Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 17:55:12 "Padre Goyito" murió por asfixia y no por arma de fuego, revela fiscal de Guerrero Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 17:42:28 Regresa "Kodak" al ruedo en el 2015: Con celulares inteligentes y tabletas Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 17:39:32 Líos persiguen a "Chespirito": A un mes de su muerte, las polémicas continúan Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 17:31:51 A partir del 1 de enero: Telefónicas y TV de paga operarán con nuevos contratos Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 16:03:39 Vecinos protestan contra delegado de Iztapalapa: Exigen investigación Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 15:50:12 Carta para Santa Claus: 35 peticiones Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 15:42:01 Sobrino confiesa el asesinato de familia en Álvaro Obregón: Por un terreno Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 15:35:27 A través de fideicomiso: Videgaray benefició a "Higa" y a familiares políticos del ex presidente Salinas Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 15:25:47 Tres asesinatos más en Estado de México: Uno en Ecatepec y dos en Tlalnepantla Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 15:18:53 Choque armado "Zetas"-Fuerza Civil de Veracruz: Cinco narcos muertos Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 15:15:22 También el TSJ del D.F.: En la lista de defraudados por "Ficrea" Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 14:59:40 66.45 pesos al día: El micro-salario en Yucatán para el 2015 Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 14:56:17 CONASAMI publica los micro-salarios que estarán vigentes en el 2015 Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 14:53:05 Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones publica nuevas tarifas de interconexión para el 2015 Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 14:49:57 Informar sobre prohibición de venta de cigarrillos electrónicos, ordenan a COFEPRIS Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 13:21:11 "Standard and Poor’s" otorgó perspectiva negativa a Guerrero Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 12:30:21 En Michoacán: Hallaron muerta a niña de 10 años reportada desaparecida Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 12:26:59 Guerrero, el Estado más peligroso para ejercer el ministerio sacerdotal Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 11:59:00 Más de 20,000 infectados por él ébola Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-29 11:51:20 Abuchean a alcalde de Nueva York Jorge Armando León Borges

2014-12-29 11:50:31 Popocatépetl registra otra explosión Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-29 11:45:41 Reportan caso de ébola en EE.UU Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 11:43:09 "El lobo de Wall Street" fue la película más descargada en 2014 Eduardo Ignacio Ramos Pérez

2014-12-29 11:40:53 Resolver el tema nuclear mejoraría relación EE.UU-Irán Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-29 11:37:15 Presidenta de Argentina cancela visita al Vaticano Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 11:32:55 Chris Rock anuncia su divorcio Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-29 11:31:32 Población de EE.UU llega a 320,09 millones Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 11:28:29 Trestman es despedido de los Bears Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 11:23:55 Hipólito Mora irá por diputación independiente Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 11:23:18 We are just bodies... "just?" Franz de J. Fortuny Loret de Mola

2014-12-29 10:30:43 Cambio legal sin precedentes en obra pública: Manos libres Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 08:52:11 Resultados del "Sorteo Tris": 28 de Diciembre 2014 Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 08:47:45 Resultados del "Sorteo Tris": 27 de Diciembre 2014 Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-29 06:05:38 UNAM desarrolla esteroides contra males cerebrales Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-29 06:03:02 Síndrome metabólico, primera causa de la diabetes en México Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-29 06:00:38 PRD insistirá en unificar izquierda Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 05:58:21 Seguirán las bajas temperaturas en el país Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-29 05:55:14 "The Interview" está disponible en Itunes Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 05:52:39 Fernando Torres vuelve al Atlético de Madrid Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 05:50:28 EE.UU emite alerta para no visitar estados de Guerrero Jorge Armando León Borges

2014-12-29 05:48:33 China bloquea el correo de Google Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-29 05:31:47 Schumacher enfrenta larga batalla para recuperarse Eduardo Ignacio Ramos Pérez

2014-12-29 05:29:27 Alcaldel de Cocula seguirá en su puesto Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-29 05:27:31 Se desconoce el paradero de El Americano Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 05:24:10 Senadores panistas piden cancelar el aumento del 3% a la gasolina Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-29 05:21:17 ¿Quiénes son las novias del narco? Eduardo Ignacio Ramos Pérez

2014-12-28 09:09:21 Por malos tratos, pararon custodios del Penal de Cancún Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-28 09:00:02 Entrarán en vigor tarifas telefónicas 2015 Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-28 07:41:20 Indonesia suspende búsqueda de avión de Air Asia Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-28 07:34:20 "Passenger", de lo más escuchado en México en el 2014 Eduardo Ignacio Ramos Pérez

2014-12-28 07:32:34 Desaparece avión de Air Asia Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-28 07:29:59 Croacia elige presidente bajo su peor crisis económica Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-28 07:26:59 Va a la cárcel con "la frente en alto": Hipólito Mora Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-28 07:24:42 Edil de Cocula, en libertad Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-28 07:21:04 Cumple 81 años la condecoración de la Orden Mexicana del Águila Azteca Jorge Armando León Borges

2014-12-28 07:19:31 Instituciones de salud trabajarán para evitar suicidios Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-28 07:17:44 Mayweather y Cotto destacaron en 2014 Claudia Sofía Gómez Infante

2014-12-28 07:15:31 Un auto, una casa y felicidad, entre los propósitos de los mexicanos Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-28 07:12:57 Seguirá el frío y lluvias en México Carmen Alicia Briceño Sánchez

2014-12-27 21:43:26 Captan a funcionarios consumiendo huevos de tortuga, especie en peligro de extinción: Los despiden Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-27 21:38:49 Activistas en Cancún preparaban protesta-"performance" por Ayotzinapa y terminaron presos Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-27 21:34:38 Autodefensas de Michoacán regresan y desafían al Gobierno de Peña Nieto Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-27 21:24:00 Payasos "Lagrimita" y "Costel" quieren ser políticos: Van por Alcaldía y Regiduría de Guadalajara Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-27 21:19:11 Detienen en La Ruana a Hipólito Mora y a 26 de sus hombres Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-27 21:11:53 En Guerrero, la pobreza se exacerba: Economía estatal, al borde del colapso Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-27 20:54:02 No vean: Ordenaron soldados a testigos cuando cometieron la ejecución sumaria en Tlatlaya Javier W. López Madera

2014-12-27 20:50:20 Un revés más para la PGR: Libera juez al Alcalde de Cocula por falta de pruebas Javier W. López Madera


We are just bodies... "just?"

1257 palabras

It’s extremely difficult for me to believe that when I think of myself as being “just a physical body” I’m missing something. I am “just” a physical body, but … what a fantastic entity this physical body is! If we think only for 10 seconds about the incredible number of events that needed to take place in the “right direction” for this “inferior” physical body to exist, then we are no longer going to to say, ever, that “just being a physical body” is not something extremely special in the Universe.

Yes, I am very proud to be a physical body, and a great one at that. I don’t have to imagine a supreme being with whom to connect in order to transcend my physical body. And there is no way that I will ever accept that the being inside this body is anything else but one of the functionalities of the body itself. Do you want to call this inner formation “a soul”? Go ahead! Call it anything you wish! However, it won’t change what it really is: a physical body with incredible intellectual capabilities.

Our body is a mixture of atoms, fixed into molecules. As an entity, it is simply marvelous. It takes longer for a Sun to form itself and start generating energy to supply to surrounding planets, than it takes, once the proper planet is formed, to generate living creatures. The rare thing here is the planet appropriate for life.

Once the proper planet exists, then the level to which these living entities can evolve depends on time and lots of different and complex conditions. In our case, our species, homo sapiens sapiens, is an extreme amongst the extremes. It’s so special! If you conceived for a moment the degree of value that our body has, you would never think that believing of ourselves to be “just physical bodies” is something that needs to be fixed with connecting with “supreme beings”. We are supreme beings!

The simple fact that we can conceive our existence, that is, to be conscious of the fact that we exist as aware entities, is already a great marvel in itself. We are aware that we exist, we are aware that we evolve, we are aware of the Universe in which we exist. We have made up a large number of expressions to call our essence and that which surrounds us. We are now aware—if we don’t get ourselves lost in the “supreme being” attractive idea—that the simple event of our existence is an incredibly improbable happening in the Universe. And yet, we also know now that, after all, the Universe itself has a tendency to create places where beings similar to us can exist.

We are—something difficult to understand—just one form of life. And life is the concept we have developed so we can name entities that evolve according to a program embedded in helical molecules, perfectly bound together, that we call DNA. We get to become whatever we become—as living organisms—because during millions and millions of years—”year” being just one unit of time, so we can get the idea—molecules of certain elements get together, bind themselves using the free orbits of their atoms and determine to register the bindings into DNA, so the same variations of molecule bindings can take place in almost exactly the same way, time after time after time.

Why do we need the concept of “soul”? Even if the soul, spirit, supreme being hypothesis were true, things would not change for our living condition. We would still need to forego the living paths programmed in our cells and then in our particular creations as a different species. So, what do the souls or spirits need to “come down” to matter—the inferior element—and invade bodies that are already equipped with every single element they need in order be conscious of their existence? If the souls are real, then do they duplicate the capabilities of the physical body?

Everything that traditionally has been intended to be explained as possible only because of the soul, we know now that happens inside the brain. It’s the brain and the way its neurons are connected, and they were they interact, that what we call “thinking” happens. Our memories are nothing but active connections amongst neurons. Our feelings and what we call consciousness exist within the brain functions, and the brain itself is only one more organ of the “physical body” they are always under valuing in the name of the superiority of the soul.

I don’t even need to ask the question of where the idea of the soul came from. It’s useless and we all know the answer. We have learned that different human conglomerates throughout their histories developed different theories to explain what they didn’t understand. They created hypothesis and tried to improve them as some deeds were impossible to explain. The soul is the most logical concept to design, since our thought and our imagination almost depict ourselves as separate entities from our bodies. But the fact is that we aren’t! Our consciousness, no matter how “superior” it might look to you, is something that exists within the confines of your working organism.

Yes, sadly, when the body stops working, it all ceases to exist. So, the soul doesn’t go anywhere? Is there no soul? Then, what is the meaning of life?

Who said that life needed a meaning? Does the Universe need a meaning? Things need meanings only because we abstract them from the flow of events in which they are all embedded. We become real slaves of our beliefs, false beliefs. Why don’t we try to concentrate in appreciating the real value of what we are? We are great bodies in an incredible Universe and we know we are! And this is the most fantastic element of it all.

There is no way anybody will ever convince me that being a “physical body” is the poor part of me. “Oh, you are a soul!”, they tell me—those who want to convince me of my immortality, because they need to be convinced of it—but, I am convinced we need to be realistic enough to accept the facts of our existence as they are and not as some would like us to believe—so they can take advantage of us during the process of living in a culture.

The more of us that believe that the real thing is after this form of existence—real life—the easier it is for the controllers to apply their mechanisms and gain slaves for their “needs”. Instead of trying to fool humans with lies, we should create a culture of truth and ethics; we should promote nothing but respect for our equality in rights. The worst violation of human ethics is the pursuit of becoming a controller: that is exactly what should be put down—in a very “human” manner, and this is probably what we need to find.

¿Eres soltera?