Notas antiguas
2013-06-18 16:29:29 Responde el Ayuntamiento al auxilio: se derrumba un predio y caen árboles por la lluvia A7

2013-06-18 13:56:22 “Violencia de Género: tarea de todas las personas”, ciclo que promueve el Instituto de la Mujer A7

2013-06-18 13:51:13 Responde el Ayuntamiento ante las intensas lluvias A7

2013-06-18 13:24:19 Otra vez Justin Bieber: ahora atropella a un paparazzi A7

2013-06-18 13:15:16 León buscará regular las fiestas privadas A7

2013-06-18 13:03:43 Nadie sabe de los organizadores, afirma una de las intoxicadas en la Pool Party A7

2013-06-18 12:56:10 Ministerio Público investiga la Pool Party: organizadores se dan a la fuga A7

2013-06-18 12:46:03 Trágica Pool Party en Guanajuato: nueve intoxicados con nitrógeno, uno de ellos en coma A7

2013-06-18 12:40:06 IX Congreso Internacional de Mayistas, en Campeche A7

2013-06-18 12:33:13 Medio millón de personas bus­ca di­ver­sión en an­tros del D.F. el fin de semana A7

2013-06-18 12:29:00 Analiza Congreso exhorto a Mancera sobre "giros negros" del D.F. A7

2013-06-18 11:26:03 Culturally Acceptable Moments to Enjoy Sex Franz de J. Fortuny Loret de Mola

2013-06-18 11:09:48 IMSS brinda terapia de reemplazo con testosterona para contrarrestar la andropausia A7

2013-06-18 10:58:40 Detienen a hijo de Alcalde panista de Ocampo, Guanajuato: utiliza influencias y lo dejan libre A7

2013-06-18 03:41:08 NASA prepara plan para enviar personas a Marte Javier W. López Madera

2013-06-18 03:38:34 IPN adquiere equipo avanzado de nanotecnología Javier W. López Madera

2013-06-18 03:36:33 Captan astrofísicos el enorme destello de estrella nunca antes visto Javier W. López Madera

2013-06-18 03:33:33 Crearán el primer Cyborg de la historia Javier W. López Madera

2013-06-18 03:30:54 Explican verdaderos motivos del accidente de Yuri Gagarin Javier W. López Madera

2013-06-18 02:20:50 "A México no lo tengo atragantado": Marcelo A7

2013-06-18 02:14:04 Copa Confederaciones, sin retorno A7

2013-06-18 02:10:14 NASA elige astronautas: incluye a cuatro mujeres Javier W. López Madera

2013-06-18 02:07:40 Fotografían gigantesco mar de metano en Titán Javier W. López Madera

2013-06-18 02:03:19 Aceptan espionaje estadounidense: Facebook, Microsoft y Apple Reynaldo Escamilla Larrea

2013-06-18 01:57:00 Anuncian otras tres películas de El Hombre Araña A7

2013-06-18 01:44:33 "Llovería sobre mojado" al Tri en el hexagonal rumbo a Brasil 2014 A7

2013-06-18 01:39:46 Seleccionados quieren salvar al "Chepo" de la Torre A7

2013-06-18 01:33:28 Alergia al semen: 12% de las mujeres podrían morir por tragarlo A7

2013-06-18 01:28:15 Obesidad es hereditaria A7

2013-06-18 01:24:45 Superman, fascinante A7

2013-06-18 01:17:32 La redención de Superman A7

2013-06-18 01:09:37 Superman, éxito de taquilla en México A7

2013-06-18 00:54:08 El cáncer de próstata tiene nuevo contrincante A7

2013-06-17 21:28:29 Depresión tropical avanza directamente a Belice A7

2013-06-17 21:24:00 Lluvias intensas mañana martes en Chiapas, Campeche, Tabasco y Veracruz A7

2013-06-17 21:17:31 Por Depresión Tropical 2, aviso en Quintana Roo y vigilancia en Campeche A7

2013-06-17 20:53:41 Nigeria arrolló a Tahití: 6-1 A7

2013-06-17 20:29:23 Pánico en Plaza Altabrisa: se rompe paño de cristal y lo confunden con balazos A7

2013-06-17 20:25:28 Is Monogamy “The” Problem? Franz de J. Fortuny Loret de Mola

2013-06-17 20:13:48 Howard Webb será el árbitro del Brasil vs México A7

2013-06-17 20:10:06 Manifestantes llevan "serenata" a la Selección de Brasil A7

2013-06-17 20:02:31 México-Brasil, en fortaleza el miércoles A7

2013-06-17 19:44:06 Llegó el Tri a Fortaleza: a piedra y lodo, entrena y se encierra A7

2013-06-17 19:35:15 Avalancha de críticas internacionales para el Tri A7

2013-06-17 19:21:08 Moral de los jugadores mexicanos, por el suelo A7

2013-06-17 19:11:54 "Chepo" se contradice A7

2013-06-17 19:08:10 "Chepo", en la cuerda floja A7

2013-06-17 18:58:13 Estamos completamente comprometidos con "Chepo", afirma Corona A7

2013-06-17 17:58:06 Ahora sí, lámparas que iluminarán bien para garantizar la seguridad A7

2013-06-17 17:45:50 “Ahora sí, mi calle volverá a estar bien iluminada” A7

2013-06-17 17:29:27 ¡Luces, cámara, acción!: Arrancó grabaciones la cinta "Cantinflas" A7

2013-06-17 16:59:42 Piden redoblar vigilancia fitoosanitaria para evitar ingreso de gripe aviar a Yucatán A7

2013-06-17 16:44:21 Segundo más mortífero para hombres, el cáncer de próstata A7

2013-06-17 16:39:30 IMSS: Cáncer de próstata mata a 5,500 mexicanos al año A7

2013-06-17 15:07:08 Cara de La Reina del Pop, Madonna, sorprendió de nuevo A7

2013-06-17 11:14:02 Regresión sexual: tamaño del pene disminuye A7

2013-06-17 10:43:14 ¡Cayó 15 pisos y sobrevivió! Javier W. López Madera

2013-06-17 08:25:00 Diputado Mauricio Vila apoya a niño con discapacidad auditiva A7

2013-06-17 08:16:19 Visto bueno del Cabildo a más alianzas para proteger flora y fauna A7

2013-06-17 08:11:35 Ejército de jóvenes cambia la imagen del Parque Los Cantaritos A7

2013-06-17 07:50:32 Quintana Roo, atento a la onda tropical A7

2013-06-17 07:45:02 Onda Tropical No. 3 afectará a la Península: 30% de probabilidad de ser huracán A7

2013-06-17 05:27:43 México, sin fútbol y voluntad: cae ante Italia 2-1 A7

2013-06-16 21:34:52 La diferencia fueron las individualidades: Chepo A7

2013-06-16 21:29:54 Chicharito y Gio callaron A7

2013-06-16 21:25:27 Dura autocrítica de Salcido: "Siempre he dicho que estamos corriendo como locos" A7

2013-06-16 21:21:13 Salcido dice que el Tri tuvo miedo ante Italia A7

2013-06-16 21:15:06 "El Maza", blanco de fuertes críticas en redes sociales A7

2013-06-16 21:07:38 Acepta Francisco "Maza" Rodríguez que estuvo mal A7

2013-06-16 20:39:32 "¡Olé, olé!", coreó el estadio A7

2013-06-16 20:33:27 España habló con "furia" y derrotó a Uruguay: 2-1 A7

2013-06-16 20:28:28 Por qué hay que comer chocolate A7

2013-06-16 20:24:50 Ya van diez ex funcionarios granieristas a cuentas A7

2013-06-16 20:16:49 Se extienden las investigaciones en Tabasco Javier W. López Madera

2013-06-16 20:06:02 Detienen a otra ex funcionaria de Granier A7

2013-06-16 16:26:42 La torre en espiral más alta del mundo, en Dubai A7

2013-06-16 16:21:38 Xbox One y NASA simulan 35,000 años luz A7

2013-06-16 16:16:40 Dispendio: Gobierno de Zapata Bello gasta más de 11 millones de pesos en banquetes y golf A7

Cultura-Política y sociedad

Is Monogamy “The” Problem?

1309 palabras

This is an issue of my fascination. Let me tell you briefly why.

As you grow up within certain cultures, they want you to believe that women and men are entirely different. You learn that males are looking for sexual mates all the time, but females—on the contrary—are absolutely uninterested in anything sexual; if they engage in sexual activities, they do so only to please the male with whom mating has been “approved” by those who lead their lives.

Sigmund Freud, when confronted with the question What do women really want?, replied, at once: That’s something I still don’t know. So, a man dedicated to dealing with men and women whose problems seemed to be that their lives demanded from them attitudes towards sex that were incompatible with their biological nature, was—within the confines of the main stream human culture—unable to answer such an important question.

My experience throughout life has been more towards what Meredith Chivers found out in her experiments than towards what Emily Nagoski implies that we should believe and accept and control ourselves to be happy with. This is what she has to say:

Indeed, the whole a-woman’s-genitals-are-more-honest-than-she-is [bold is mine] thing is a zeitgeisty thing lately, with Alain de Botton saying that genitals are “unambiguous agents of sincerity.”

Emily Nagoski The Dirty Normal

“Zeitgeisty” Thing Lately…

If you have seen the documentaries named “Zeitgeist”+something else, you know now what Emily Nagoski is worried about. This woman is tremendously in love with the establishment and believes very deeply and with great conviction that her goal, her mission as a scientist, is to convince everybody that what our culture demands from us—all the behaviors and values systems—is what rocks, what should be followed.

Thus, the goal of all scientist of behavioral sciences is to find ways of making people live in a bliss within the confines defined by the status quo. As far as she is concerned, any findings that shake the foundations of the main stream culture, are Zeitgeisty things. I can imagine her and those that think of themselves to have such missions, arguing endlessly on behalf of the structures ordered by the culture, and even trying to find connections to the nature of humankind in the “main stream” cultural system.

Her attitude is identical to that of traditional medicine: help the patient endure the pain, but continue feeding her the same food that’s making her sick.

My question is: Why is it so difficult for this kind of persons to understand that, precisely as scientists, it’s their most delicate obligation to be totally honest with the individuals of the species and act on behalf of the happiness of them? Instead, they seem to be acting on behalf of the Establishment, which organizes things to benefit only very strict minorities among the human groups.

So, yes, Dr. Nagoski, yes, it’s true: it’s all very zeitgeisty, and hopefully everything will follow the same path.

A woman’s genitals are more honest than her carrier

Does that mean we need to distrust women because they lie? Why would Emily Nagoski get so pissed off about a fact found in a perfectly controlled experiment? Why doesn’t she simply proceed to accept the facts and try to understand them without the bias of what the culture needs things to be?

When Emily Nagoski—herself a Ph.D.—reacts to Chivers' study, she is projecting a gender identity feeling—one of being attacked. “Oh, no, we are not liars! We simply don’t find, in the brain, what our genitals are expressing.” Why is her need to say this so strong?

I would say: They are lying, so what? Have they not been trained by culture to hide their real feelings about sex? Aren’t they supposed to be educated so that they will never sound like they want or need or would like to engage in sex?

The “main stream” culture—if you allow me to call “Western European Culture” like that—has mostly dictated that women should behave “low profile” when sex is involved. The background of such attitude is probably buried in the horrible 450 years or so when the dark ages—called like that precisely because nobody would like to remember—wanted to tame the feminine character by applying the fears of the Inquisition.

If their acts of repression over women were registered, any registries must have been destroyed or effectively buried to be never found. The Christian fundamentalists of those times were no different than the present time Taliban in Afghanistan. Didn’t the latter destroy a Buddhist Temple that had been carved on a mountain side for centuries? Wasn’t that an act of barbarism? Well, the acts perpetrated by Christians during the dark ages and earlier in Alexandria—remember Hypatia—were no different in intolerance than the recent Taliban acts.

The way women are treated by the Taliban is probably just as bad as they were during the times of the Inquisition. Women who behaved with any air of freedom and sensuality, were immediately denounced to those in charge of handing them over to the Inquisition for trial. It is calculated that over three million women’s lives were interrupted—they were separated from the pool of genes and were not allowed to reproduce. How many were actually burned in the fires of the Inquisition? The number is probably impossible to determine accurately.

The women who would survive were those capable of disguising their real feelings—as discovered by the Chivers' study. Today the world is somewhat different—not entirely so, though. Some attitudes prevail, probably as disguised in men and authorities as the real biological feelings of women were found to be in Meredith Chivers' study.

“Monogamy is not the problem”

Wow, wow! Dr. Nagoski is concentrated in one objective, one task, one main agenda—does she really work for super special entity?—and that is, to make us believe that, no matter how difficult it may be to adapt to the needs of monogamic marriage, it isn’t in such kind of arrangement where the problem is, but in the lack of practice and imagination to make it work.

Is what Dr. Nagoski implies different in any way to what—for instance—the Roman Catholic Church proclaims? Perhaps the only difference comes from the fact that the aforementioned religious institution pretends to convey the monogamous model as something ordered by the Super Entity of the Universe, which they call “God”. This Super Entity, understanding the limitations of the human species, approaches some individuals of said species and gives them “instructions”—The Bible—of how things should be.

And, of course, the order—“Be Monogamous”—can’t be the problem, since it was given by the Creator of the Universe Himself!

Is that what Dr. Nagoski is implying? Please, somebody out there, use the comments space of this Blog to help us understand Emily’s agenda.

Are you, Dr. Nagoski, really trying to tell us that the problem is in the human species, which obviously did not evolve to be monogamous?

¿Eres soltera?