Notas antiguas
2011-05-12 15:27:43 Festejan a las reinas del hogar en Sudzal A7

2011-05-12 15:19:33 El Centro SCT Yucatán lleva a cabo acciones en el marco del "Decenio de Acción por la Seguridad Vial" A7

2011-05-12 15:15:08 Abre sus puertas la Unidad Deportiva de Ciudad Caucel A7

2011-05-12 15:09:09 Recibe Ayuntamiento de Mérida distinción del INAIP por su transparencia A7

2011-05-12 15:02:19 La artritis reumatoide también afecta a menores, advierte el IMSS A7

2011-05-12 11:07:58 Nuevas especies en exhibición enriquecen el Centenario A7

2011-05-12 11:05:05 Regalos y alegría para las mamás de Tunkás en su día A7

2011-05-12 10:42:36 Pretende el TEE reinstalar a regidora priísta de Tinum A7

2011-05-12 10:38:19 Mérida, de ciudad de la paz a ciudad de los baches A7

2011-05-12 10:22:20 Más de 6 mil personas celebraron con Denisse de Kalaf el día de las madres en Tizimín A7

2011-05-12 10:11:26 Denuncian ante la PGR al Auditor Superior del Estado A7

2011-05-12 07:36:43 Hay que hablar a los yucatecos con la verdad: Beatriz Zavala Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-12 06:44:55 Primeros pasos para producir carne y leche cien por ciento orgánicas Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-11 15:43:08 Peligro en la calle Lois Izquierdo

2011-05-11 09:26:39 Regalo de la SSP a las mamás del "Teresiano" Javier Eduardo Cámara Menéndez

2011-05-11 07:43:51 Deplorable estado de las instalaciones de la Fiscalía General del Estado y deplorable conducta de sus empleados Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-11 06:15:41 El día del maestro en nuestro país Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-10 12:39:51 La marcha de Sicilia De Varios Autores

2011-05-10 11:05:07 Protegen a Jesús Rivero Covarrubias Javier Eduardo Cámara Menéndez

2011-05-10 08:52:24 El viaje de un bebé hipopótamo Lois Izquierdo

2011-05-10 07:26:11 Impune Peña Nieto Javier Corral Jurado

2011-05-10 07:24:23 Si tienes una madre todavía Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-10 06:46:47 El día de la madre y su origen Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-10 06:38:45 Fiesta de 4: torneo mexicano de fútbol A7

2011-05-09 15:57:14 Refleja recaudación confianza ciudadana en la Comuna: Angélica Araujo A7

2011-05-09 15:47:15 Presenta alcaldesa Plan de Reordenamiento Vial para Mérida A7

2011-05-09 15:38:51 Más de 6 mdp repartirá CDI Yucatán este año para proyectos y acciones en la atención de la violencia familiar y de género en comunidades mayas A7

2011-05-09 15:35:07 Periodo de transición en el PAN yucateco A7

2011-05-09 15:31:37 La insuficiencia renal, grave complicación de la diabetes A7

2011-05-09 15:28:13 Animaya establece nuevo récord de visitantes el pasado fin de semana A7

2011-05-09 15:25:04 Cuida Ayuntamiento la salud de adultos mayores A7

2011-05-09 12:52:14 Hugo Sánchez Camargo, vencedor en los comicios del PAN Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-09 09:34:41 Sospechosa autorización de la construcción de un supermercado en Izamal Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-09 08:53:54 Los jóvenes hablan de sus experiencias productivas Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-08 17:23:08 ¿Está sobrevaluada la vida? Franz de J. Fortuny Loret de Mola

2011-05-08 14:18:42 Is Life Overrated? Franz de J. Fortuny Loret de Mola

2011-05-08 06:43:06 Hugo Sánchez Camargo, nuevo presidente estatal del PAN Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-07 13:54:36 La muerte de Osama Bin Laden Franz de J. Fortuny Loret de Mola

2011-05-07 09:43:30 Tijeretazos políticos De Varios Autores

2011-05-07 09:26:52 Sicilia solo confunde más. Sicilia es política. Franz de J. Fortuny Loret de Mola

2011-05-06 22:00:00 La venganza de Pepe Guardiano Delatorre S.J.

2011-05-06 22:00:00 ¿Última clausura de hotel sin licencia? Lois Izquierdo

2011-05-06 22:00:00 Hospital de animales políticos Goyito Zavala

2011-05-06 13:08:26 Breve cantata a tus ojos Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-06 12:58:47 Multa y cierre del restaurant-bar "Enricos" A7

2011-05-06 12:40:18 Animaya se convierte en "Ayuntalandia" para festejar a más niños A7

2011-05-06 12:12:25 ¿Partidocracia? ¡No, “priismo”! (No es lo mismo) Franz de J. Fortuny Loret de Mola

2011-05-06 11:51:11 Aumentan embarazos en mayores de 35 años A7

2011-05-06 11:47:38 El Herpes Lois Izquierdo

2011-05-06 11:46:18 "México Joven" apuesta por la difusión de valores cívicos entre la juventud A7

2011-05-06 10:44:55 Garantía de unidad en el PAN Yucatán a unas horas de la contienda interna A7

2011-05-06 10:41:26 Tendrá INAPESCA buque de investigación pesquera para aguas profundas A7

2011-05-06 10:33:51 Emiten SAGARPA y CONACYT convocatoria para proyectos de investigación en bioenergéticos A7

2011-05-06 10:25:30 "Semana de la Seguridad Vial", oportunidad para atender el problema de accidentes A7

2011-05-06 10:22:50 Respuesta de la senadora Beatriz Zavala a queja de Convergencia A7

2011-05-06 10:17:52 Conmemoran el 149 aniversario de la Batalla de Puebla en Dzitás A7

2011-05-06 10:13:17 Animaya brinda comodidad para adultos y personas con discapacidad A7

2011-05-06 10:08:11 Acción conjunta de gobierno y ciudadanos para el cuidado ecológico en Mérida A7

2011-05-06 10:04:55 Exhorta el IMSS a no bajar la guardia contra la influenza A7

2011-05-06 09:42:09 Ultiman en Akil detalles de la próxima vía federal a Tekax A7

2011-05-06 09:13:45 Permanente la limpieza de calles en Akil A7

2011-05-06 08:24:30 Acciones municipales por la alegría de los niños de Akil A7

2011-05-06 08:14:59 El Thor de Kenneth Branagh Federico Wilder

2011-05-06 07:36:47 Peto "Vive con Valores" Lois Izquierdo

2011-05-06 07:28:09 Los nuevos terratenientes de Yucatán: la familia Cervera Hernández Guillermo Barrera Fernandez

2011-05-04 16:28:34 Abrirán Animaya, Centenario y Cuxtal este jueves 5 y viernes 6 de mayo A7

2011-05-04 16:01:04 Colocan la primera piedra del edificio de Seguridad Pública Municipal de Chicxulub Pueblo A7

2011-05-04 14:53:21 Reparan el sistema eléctrico de la planta de agua potable de Seyé A7

2011-05-04 14:50:08 Innovadores juegos infantiles brindan alegría y diversión en Animaya A7

2011-05-04 10:30:48 Logran ganaderos yucatecos éxito en cultivo silvopastoril intensivo A7

2011-05-04 10:03:20 Gracias a los migrantes Motul tendrá semáforos A7

2011-05-04 09:48:04 Primeras semillas de los "huertos familiares" de Tahdziú A7

2011-05-04 09:39:04 En evidencia la falta de transparencia del Ayuntamiento, dicen los regidores panistas A7

En Concreto-Editoriales de A7

Is Life Overrated?

731 palabras

Have you ever heard that statement? It's a very valid question, I would say.

Does life give us mostly good moments or are good moments the exceptions during our lifetime? Other than writing down in two-column books good and bad moments every single time we feel we are having one of either kind, how can we measure reality in order to state something true rather than a lie?

Of course, we need to accept the fact that different individuals will tend to qualify different moments differently. For some persons the same exact happenings that will be qualified negatively by others, will be qualified positively by them.

Yes, we need to obtain statistics on these subjects. If you make a search with the terms you will find plenty of individual and group cases dealing with the fact that "Life is overrated". However, it isn't only life that is overrated, but a number of other things that some consider "great" and finally end up deserving no more than the qualification of "overrated".

We need to focus here on the subject of life itself. It's life being overrated that we are concerned about.

When we say that life is overrated we mean that the experience or opportunity of living is, after all, considered to be something better than it really is. In other words, we imply that being alive is not such a great event, after all. And, of course, the forced conclusion would be that if the event is not so good, why not to do something to end it sooner rather than letting it show more moments that we won't like—along, of course, with the few more moments that we might like.

Socially sanctioned suicide would be the intelligent response of human societies to the fact that life is effectively overrated.

A lot of belief systems consider that whoever ends their own life will suffer—even dead—not so nice consequences. The Christian belief is that suicidal persons do not go to heaven. The diversity of cultures created by our species must certainly include cultures that didn't condemn suicide or even would consider it socially valuable. Modern muslims combined with political causes do argue that suicide in the name of "holy war" will result in great prizes in the after life.

For people who would rather not guide themselves by what these religious systems command, how would they consider suicide?

Probably the most reason oriented opinion will tend to argue that life is, ultimately, the responsibility of the living creature. Today law enforcement persons have the legal obligation of not allowing anybody to commit suicide. It is their obligation to do anything they can to stop anybody from committing self murder—as it is considered. Just as it is a crime to take somebody else's life, it is also a crime to take your own life.

The main difference between taking your own and somebody else's life are the possible consequences of the action. Nothing can be done against you—to punish you—if you succeed in taking your own life. As a matter of fact, if you are a free person—that is, if you aren't serving prison time—nobody can punish you because you tried to commit suicide but didn't succeed. Probably inside jails different internal rules might have developed to deal with suicidal inmates.

Does it make sense to enforce actions to stop somebody from committing suicide? Sincerely, any sense it might make is strictly a matter of opinion. This is that sort of issue to be argued by all sides endlessly. No side can be "right" or "wrong"; it is a matter of opinion; that is, it is a matter of personal position.

And that is what your own life should be: a matter of personal will, a matter of personal decision. Whether you live or die is within your power. In other words, it is one of those basic human rights that should be universally respected.

Being this the case, why do our supposedly vanguardist and modern societies do not provide to individuals the means to peaceful, oriented and planned suicides?

¿Eres soltera?